Securing Your Iot Connectivity Platform
Connecting devices is different from connecting individuals to their PCs. For network access methods to be secure, you need to do the work of backing up individual IoT devices. By connecting IoT connectivity as a service to another network and keeping them detached, hackers need to make sure they can’t access your most important devices, such as a laptop or smartphone.
By setting up a separate network for your IoT devices, you can protect your main network from IoT threats. Businesses can use next-generation virtual local area networks (VLAN) and firewall policies to implement network segments that separate IoT devices from IoT assets.
When an IoT device is connected to your network, it is advised to reset the default password. It is to ensure a more secure and complex one. Create a password so that if one device is compromised, the others remain intact. When a device connects to the network, you should also make sure you change the default password.
Identify and measure the impact of security events on your IoT devices, sensor environment, control systems, associated on-site and cloud infrastructure, human operators, supply chains and system processes. Imagine that all the devices you have on your home network collect this kind of information. Discover the types of devices connected to your network, maintain a detailed and up-to-date inventory of connected IoT assets and have a dedicated IoT security solution to ensure that all devices are identified.
When purchasing a smart home device, you should consider IoT device security issues before making a purchase decision and going beyond functionality. There are many different levels and types of communications networks in different IoT solutions, so look beyond devices for security risks – including applications driving solutions.
In other words, if you have an intelligent device such as a smart speaker, television, thermostat, refrigerator or security camera, your privacy and security are at stake.
Securing the Internet of Things (IoT) devices and storing personally identifiable information (PII) are of paramount importance today. IoT security is essential with the massive deployment of vulnerable IoT devices (connected gadgets) and the increase in the exchange of data over unprotected cellular and internet networks. You must make sure that there are no vulnerabilities in your network, and verify that individual devices are secure.
Create your checklist with these five Must-haves for IoT security solutions today to see if you can eliminate the risk of unsecured IoT, which now accounts for 30% of all devices in the average organization.
Hardware, software and connectivity IoT platforms secure IoT devices to deliver the intended services. The best IoT security solutions offer multi-level protection on the edge and in the cloud, enabling you to back up your IoT devices, connectivity and data. The protection of customer devices and proprietary IoT solutions is a start-to-end security.
GSMA has developed a set of IoT security policies aimed at guiding IoT service providers, IoT device manufacturers, IoT developers and network operators to promote best practices to ensure the design, development and delivery of IoT services. The guidelines cover network services, endpoints and ecosystems and contain 85 detailed recommendations to address security challenges, attack models and risk assessments. Pelion and the Wiley Publishing team teamed up to produce a definitive guide to IoT connectivity security that covers a variety of topics, including identifying connectivity gaps, securing your devices and protecting your data, as well as best practices and advice for those wishing to implement IoT projects.
To learn more about how AWS IoT services can help you achieve the end-to-end security of your IoT solutions, visit this on-demand webinar: Secure your devices at the edge of the cloud.
According to IDC, by 2025 the number of connected IoT devices and things will reach 41.6 billion, which represents a huge opportunity for breakthrough innovation and increasing threats from security breaches. The increase in connected devices and IoT deployments are driving the need for more automation, data monitoring, threat detection, and other aspects of security. Equally important is the ability of the IoT platform to enhance its security.
According to the Bitdefender 2020 Business Threat Landscape Report, 45% of security experts believe that IoT devices in employees’ home networks “pose a serious security risk because they can be controlled by remote hackers. Managing devices and network providers on a large scale can be challenging without consistent interfaces and integrations that allow for easy device upgrades. Some devices are in a hurry to go online without paying sufficient attention to IoT security issues.
The biggest security risk is vulnerabilities in protocols that can help hackers detect devices on the network. Pay particular attention to ensuring supreme control over your IoT network. The network is key to this approach, as it is the checkpoint and connectivity layer that ensure the long-term security management of the devices.
If your IoT device supports two-factor authentication for the associated mobile apps, an additional layer of security from trusted third-party services will give you added security. Since IoT connects thousands of devices, companies should ensure that their management software allows, authorizes, and secures all devices that join the IoT ecosystem.
Consider using asymmetric cryptography to protect data from the rest of the IoT devices, particularly devices responsible for collecting data and transmitting it to other systems for processing.
Whether you buy expensive IoT devices from a top company or have your smart home security in your hands at the end of the day. Businesses need confidence that their assets, systems and data are protected. Traditional endpoint security solutions require software agents for IoT devices that are not designed to be taken offline and do not protect IoT assets.