
Hdd vs. Ssd Data Recovery: What Are the Differences?

Data loss is serious business. So much so that over half of companies are now using a data loss prevention plan with their IT solutions, regardless of their hardware. Do you know enough about the data recovery process, even what the difference is between HDD vs. SSD data recovery?

This article will help you understand the steps taken when companies try to recover lost data. By the end, you should understand how SSD and HDD data recovery differs, so you can use that information to plan your recovery plan moving forward.

What Is HDD Data Recovery?

The two main reasons you might want to recover data from an HDD would be file deletion or hardware failure. Each comes with unique difficulties.

File Deletion

When you delete files on a hard disk drive, they are not scoured from the disc itself. If you imagine a hard disc as a library of books, then when you delete a file, you forget where the book is and remove its entry from the card catalog. If you then save something else, there is a chance that doing so will “replace” that book.

This means that the data, but you will need special software to search for it and recover it.

Googling a dedicated HDD data recovery guide should help you learn more about this process.

Hardware Failure

An HDD comprises many thin disks, like several DVDs stacked on top of each other, although the data saves differently. In the case of hardware failure, those disks might slip, or the device that reads them may impact the disc while it is moving. This can be a catastrophic failure.

Instead of a fast piece of software, finding files on such a disc would be a slower and more complicated procedure. You will need to move the disks to a new device that will then try to scan it for the legacy files. This is not always successful due to the drastic nature of the loss.

What Is SSD Data Recovery?

Instead of the “Library” analogy used above, an SSD is more akin to a physical office file system. When you delete a file, it is more likely to be “shredded” by a piece of software called TRIM, which makes sure data is gone forever.

SSD data recovery is still possible sometimes, though. If you lose the whole data partition, for example, then TRIM will not have had a chance to run on the files. Similarly, other services are also available from professional groups.

An SSD data recovery guide should be able to inform you more about how this process works. It will also be able to give you data recovery tips for you to use moving forward.

HD vs. SSD Data Recovery

You can see now how HD vs. SSD data recovery is a serious process, as well as how they differ. Still, there is so much to learn, so this article is little more than a good primer.

If you want to learn even more, remember to check out our blog. There, you can find out more about data security and how different hardware types will affect your plans moving forward. So, give it a read today.