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How to Choose the Right eCommerce SEO Services

Analysts predict eCommerce sales to grow by a massive 13% this year. Do your sales figures match that growth? It can feel frustrating when you don’t see the same results as competitors, but you can take steps to change that.

Take SEO, for example. Investing in SEO will bring long-term, targeted traffic to your eCommerce business and get you plenty of brand awareness.

But SEO can sometimes be a tricky challenge when you lack experience. That’s where an SEO agency can help. Here, we’ll explain the steps to choosing the right eCommerce SEO services for your business.

Determine Your Goals

To get the most from SEO services, you must first establish what you want to achieve.

You might think that all you want is a top search result ranking, but you’ll need to dig deeper and figure out specific and measurable goals. Here are a few questions you might want to ask yourself:

  • What keywords do you want to rank for (some are more competitive than others and will require more work)
  • Do you want to use SEO to make sales, generate new leads, boost traffic or build brand awareness?
  • What competitors do you want to rank above on Google?
  • What’s your timeframe?

Those questions will help you understand what you want, and they’ll also help your eCommerce SEO agency. It will give the agency some specific targets to focus on when deciding how best to support you.

Determine the Services You Need

You’ll find that each eCommerce SEO company you research might specialize in one or two services or offer many. Here is a list of some of the most common services you’ll find offered by professional SEO agencies:

  • Keyword research
  • Page optimization
  • Content optimization
  • Page speed
  • Usability
  • Mobile
  • Social signals
  • Local SEO
  • Backlinks

It’s a long list and covers both on-page SEO (changes you make to your website) and off-page SEO (getting other websites to link to you).

You typically need both. But you might have a weakness in one or two areas at the moment, and it’s worth prioritizing that first. This article will also provide a more in-depth look at some of the SEO services your business might need.

Check Testimonials

Once you have a broad idea of what eCommerce SEO services you need, it’s time to build your agency shortlist. Next, do some investigative work to understand what you can expect when you order those SEO services.

The best place to start is with testimonials, 3rd-party review sites, and in-depth case studies. In addition, ask other small businesses what their experience was when paying for SEO services.

Book a Call

Always book a call before signing up with an SEO company. It’s your chance to find out more about their services and whether you can see yourself establishing a long-term relationship with this business.

It’s also your final opportunity to ask any last-minute pressing questions, such as timeframes and costs.

Choosing the Right eCommerce SEO Services

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for eCommerce SEO services. To get SEO support that positively impacts your business, you’ll need to do your research before making a final decision. Use this guide as your starting point.

You can also find some helpful website tips for your eCommerce store in our web design section, so take a look there.