Micro Entrepreneurs And Your Solutions in the Best SEO Methods
Increasingly, companies are looking for solutions that help increase sales and retain customers. Having digital marketing strategies stopped being a privilege for large companies a long time ago, to become a reality in the routine of microentrepreneurs.
Social Media Options
Facebook and Instagram are the most sought after among micro-companies, to do marketing actions, generate more engagement with the public and, consequently, more sales. However, having a digital marketing strategy goes far beyond ads and comments on posts.
- It is about setting up an efficient plan, which can start from choosing the ideal domain and the best hosting for your website, to lead conversion campaigns and generating new business.
- But in order for all actions to be done in the best way and to make sense within digital marketing strategies, it is essential to understand the importance and timing of each one.
Therefore, we decided to present, in this text, some information to help you understand the need for digital marketing strategies for micro-companies and the benefits they can bring to your business. Follow me:
Benefits of digital marketing
We are in a world marked by technological developments and connectivity. According to the 11th survey of TIC Domiciles, 58% of Brazilians have access to the internet. If you think about it, more than half the population is connected. It’s a lot of people.
And the most important thing is that they are all consumers of different products, however small, however insignificant it may seem, they all consume products and services.
Going through this perspective, it becomes clearer to think that for small or micro companies, marketing actions can be a great solution for several factors:
- Strengthening the brand
- Positioning and brand awareness
- Increasing sales
- Engagement with the target audience
There are several benefits that digital marketing can offer. Even with some of them mentioned above, it is important to think about some points where marketing can help companies to have better results:
Attract and retain customers
One of the things that every entrepreneur wants is more customers. This is obvious. But, depending on the type of business you have, the cost of acquiring new customers can be high if you don’t have good marketing planning.
Experts say the cost to acquire new customers is up to 10 times higher than what you spend to maintain a current customer.
- This is because with current customers, you do not have any cost to convince and raise awareness that your solution is the best. He already knows. What does not happen with new customers.
- With digital marketing strategies, such as actions for social networks, email marketing, content on your blog, you can keep in touch with your current customers.You will also be able to generate more engagement with your target audience, in addition to attracting new customers.
- The advantage is that the cost of these actions is lower, when compared to leaflets, radio and TV commercials, for example.
In a scenario where large companies dominate several markets, digital marketing actions for small companies are very effective and help to reduce the discrepancy in the space dispute with the main companies in any segment.