
Cyber-Snoop Your Kid’s Activity Before It’s Too Late 

Many kids and teens are unaware that their parents are secretly monitoring their online activity with the help of monitoring and parental control apps. They think that by not adding their parents or following them back on social media accounts, they have been successful in keeping their online lives private. 

However, that’s not completely true. Most parents even know the passwords to their email and social media accounts and sometimes even sneak in to monitor their online activity. Parents who do not have passwords to their kids’ accounts use free spy app for Android undetectable solutions or parental controls apps to keep an eye on their kids’ online activity. 

Kids do not know that even parents can find a way around snooping on their online activity. No matter how hard kids try to stay hidden from their parents, they will always find a way to keep a check on their kids. 

According to a recent survey, it was reported that 10 percent of parents admitted that they have secretly logged in to their kids’ Facebook account to monitor their activity. 72 percent of parents said that they have monitored their kids’ online activity and on the other hand, 85 percent said that they keep an eye on their kids’ Facebook pages at least once a week. 

Why Parents Should Snoop on their Kids’ Online Activity 

Even though kids do not like their parents invading their online privacy, there is nothing much they can do about it. They can create a hidden social media account to keep their online lives private from their parents but parents are parents. They will always find out about their secret social media accounts. 

The thing is, parents are not trying to spy on their online activity to see what they have been doing on the internet lately. The only reason for them to spy on their kids’ online activity is to ensure their online safety. Yes, kids, you heard that right. Your parents are simply not trying to invade your online privacy; they are just trying to keep you safe online. 

Many kids and teens are not aware of the dangers and risks involved with the use of the internet and various social media platforms. Online dangers such as cyberbullying, sexting, pornography, and sexual predators are always lurking on social media and gaming platforms. These dangers can leave a negative impact on a kid’s life and can ruin them forever. 

In order to protect your kids from these harmful online dangers, most parents resort to monitoring apps or parental control apps on their cell phones. By using these apps, they can stay updated about their kids’ activity on the internet. 

In case someone is trying to harass or bully your kid, you can instantly know about that and save your kid before cyberbullying gets out of hands. Similarly, if you find your kid getting involved in pornography or sexting, you can stop your kid from doing that before it’s too late. 

The only way to know all about your kid’s online activity is to install Android spy software or any other parental control app on your kid’s device. Some parents might not agree with using a monitoring app to detect their kid’s online activity as they think they are invading their kid’s online presence. 

However, that’s not entirely true. If you explain to your kid about why you are using the parental control app in the first place, you can save yourself from having a confrontation with your kid. Once a kid understands that his parents are only trying to keep him safe on the internet by using a parental control solution, they wouldn’t get upset about it and let his parents monitor his online activity without creating any trouble. 

How Does a Parental Control App Help You?

Most parental control and monitoring apps have been designed to help parents keep an eye on their kids’ online and social media activity. With the help of a monitoring app, you can have all the information about your kid’s activity on their cell phone. 

You can track their text messages and see if they have been exchanging any sexts or inappropriate messages with someone else. You can also monitor their phone calls to find out about any suspicious activity. On the other hand, you can also keep an eye on their social media accounts and instant messengers to find out if a sexual predator or some unknown person is trying to contact them. 

What’s more, you can also monitor your kid’s web browsing history to know whether or not they have been watching unsuitable content. Once you realize your kid has looked up for porn images on the internet, you can block all those sites and keep your kids from watching such content on the internet. 

Some parental control apps also come with screen time management feature. You can set time limits on the use of certain apps and sites so you can be in full control over your kid’s internet usage. You can track your kid’s location with the help of the location tracking feature. Many more benefits can also be derived from parental control apps. 

We would suggest you cyber-snoop your kid’s activity with the help of a reliable and professional monitoring or parental control app before it’s too late.